Thursday, 28 February 2019

How To Hunt Coyotes During The Day?

Are you interested in Coyote hunting, but don’t really have any idea how to go about it? Don’t worry, Here You’ve arrived on the right webpage and today we are going to help you in every aspect of hunting coyotes in the daytime.

The fact is, you can, and you should hunt coyotes during the day. There is no logical reason to wait for the night, with a few tips and right hunting approaches you can easily hunt coyotes during the daytime hours. Hunting is always a sport of chance, and if you can double the hunting opportunity chances, you will surely increase your chance for success.

So, without doing any more jargon, let’s get started with our primary motive and know how to hunt coyotes during the daytime hours.

Let’s start with the necessary supplies that you should take with you…

How to Distinguish Between Coyotes and wolves?

6 Essential Supplies That You Need

Here are the six basic supplies that you will need to get the best coyote hunting results.

Your Favourite Weapon: You can choose any of your favorite accurate long range rifle, such as AR-15. Long range rifles with max accuracy work best for daytime hunting.

Comfortable Earmuffs: Earmuffs will eliminate all the disturbing noise and will help you focus more accurately on the target. Please Check out for some of the best earmuffs for shooting.

A Decoy: Decoy will work as a visual lure in conjunction with your calls.

Binoculars: Binoculars will help you identify the movements more accurately from several yards away.

Full Camouflage: It’s essential that all your body parts remain covered during the hunt to ensure that you blend in with the surroundings, it’s especially true for your hands and head.

Shooting Sticks: Any basic tripod can help you keep your weapon aimed accurately on the target.

So, these are some of the basic supplies that you need to take with you these will surely make hunting an easier job for you. Once you’ve all these basic supplies, you’re all set to head out and hunt coyotes during the daytime. Below we have mentioned all the steps for success that you need to follow.

6 Steps For Success When Hunting Coyotes During The Daytime Hours

Follow the below six-step guide to have a higher chance of hunting a coyote during the day…

Step 1: Start By Knowing Where To Hunt

It’s always good to do some homework and know the location before arriving at any hunting location. You should look for signs indicating Coyote activity, such as fresh tracks, scat, or any other indication that Coyotes may have a den in the target hunting area.

We suggest you consider brush-covered areas near any viable food source, cow pastures, to start when looking for Coyote activity signs.

Step 2: It’s Good To Arrive Early

Once you’ve finalized the target place to hunt, you should get in there before first light. Once you’re there, set your blind up in an area that can help you hide and offer a full view of the region around you. It will help you hunt coyotes smartly and more appropriately.

Also, It can be a great idea to select a spot that forces coyotes to move to the open when responding to the calls made by you.

Step 3: Be Soundless

We recommend you to remain silent throughout the hunt. Don’t slam car doors, avoid excess talking, or other sounds that you think can alert coyotes to your presence. Also, ensure that you have uploaded your weapon. It’s good to have the safety engaged with the loaded gun until you’re ready to fire.

Step 4: Avoid Your Scent Because It Matters A Lot

Do your best to avoid your scent because it can ruin your hunt. Try or use anything that you think can help you minimize your body odor before getting out in the woods. When you call a coyote, you should remain downwind of where you expect Coyote to be. It’s equally important to pay attention to the downwind because Coyotes usually try their best to travel downwind to get a better idea of what prey they may be stalking.

Also, when you’re in the hunting area, you should be aware of the wind direction. If there will be any coyotes downwind of you, that will detect your presence before you ever see them.

Step 5: Call Them In

If you’ve selected an area that’s flush with rabbits, it can be a good idea to use a wounded rabbit call. Also, you should choose your call carefully and don’t overuse it. Coyotes consider too much call as danger and not a potential meal.

Also, please note that you need to pay full attention to the time of year. It will help you get the right idea of what animals could be present in the target area where you’re hunting. Some animals have a higher chance of luring coyotes in than others.

Step 6: It’s Time To Shoot Now

Right after you call coyotes to your position, take in the full scope of the field. It’s essential that you check whether only a single coyote is there in the range or if there are multiple animals. Once you’ve assessed the situation appropriately, you need to select the easy target quickly and then shoot. Don’t wait too long else you will lose your opportunity.

Also, please note that you should be ready for multiple shots at both long and short ranges, and that’s it.


So, that’s how you can hunt coyotes during daytime hours. We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this thrilling post and now you’re ready to get the best exciting hunting experience. Also, we hope this guide helps you in hunting coyotes successfully during the daytime hours. Interested in reading more such a guide and get more tips on hunting coyotes during daytime hours? If yes then do follow us to stay updated with all the latest hunting trends and guides. So, that’s it for now and thanks for reading this guide.

The post How To Hunt Coyotes During The Day? appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


Best Yoga Poses Every Surfer Should Know

Surfing is a mixture of three things, and that are, balance, flexibility, and strength. At the same time, yoga is also about these three things, and it helps in improving the balance of your body, makes it more flexible and provides strength. The point is that both yoga and surfing go hand in hand with one another and if you want to be a pro at surfing then you first need to do some real time yoga that can change your body and give it all the qualities you need to become a professional surfer.

Speaking of yoga, every pose helps in opening a part of your body, and at the same time, every pose is making another part of your body stronger than you can ever imagine. Not only will you become a good surfer with yoga, in fact, if you are someone who does a lot of surfing then it is but very obvious that all of the muscles in your body will be very tensed and stiffened. Now, this is exactly where yoga comes in handy, it relaxes the body and releases the stress you have due to surfing. Whether, it’s your hips, shoulders, thighs or any other part of the body, yoga will help you relax, and it will improve the balance of your body and all of its parts.

Now, it is but very obvious that the last thing on Earth that you would want to do after consecutively surfing for 2 hours is yoga. But on the other hand, stretching is necessary too or else you will end up with an extremely sore body. Especially if the waves are all pumping and extremely favorable for a surf then who would want to let that time get out of hand and go for yoga instead? However, today in this article we thought to bring you some of the best yoga poses especially if you are a surfer. The best part about these poses is that you can do them both, before and after surfing and on top of it, all of these poses will hardly take 10 to 12 minutes of yours.

1- Utthan Pristhasana

Also known as the lizard with an added quad stretch, this pose is the best one for someone who wants to open up his/her hips and relax them. This pose is recommended after surfing because you will just love how it relaxed your thighs and stressed hips after surfing. It’s a winner pose because almost all of your body, like your thighs, your hips, and your spine is being stretched and relaxed so you can say that this can be the best pose with the best feeling ever.

2- Prasarita Padottanasana C

Also known as the wide legged forward bend, this pose is a shoulder opener, and it will relax all your tight shoulder muscles to a whole other level. It opens up your hips, it helps in stretching your spinal area and on top of it, this pose can help the inner side of your thighs along with your chest. The constant forward pull of your shoulders can be fixed with this amazing yoga pose, and you won’t be hurt after all the hectic paddle movements. Not only will it help your body relax, in fact, it also relaxes your brain and calms it down. Again, the Prasarita Padottanasana C will be the best thing to do right after you surf, and you know your body is going to hurt. Only a few seconds of this pose, and you’ll feel the difference on your own.

3- Viparita Virabhadrasana

The famous reverse warrior yoga pose is the best for both sides of your body. This pose can help open up your hips, and it also helps your ribs to stretch a bit which is necessary for proper body movement. This pose is great for someone who knows he will have a sore body due to tight paddling. This pose is also known to improve the balance in your body, and it will also relax all your body muscles in a way that you can actually feel it. From your legs to your back to your arms and your front sides of the body, it’s the best pose to stretch your heart out.

4- Eka Pada Kapotasana

Overusing the hip rotators can cause some seriously tight hips, and if you want to release all the built tension in your hips then the Pigeon pose, also known as the Eka Pada Kapotasana pose will be the best yoga pose for you. This pose will help in elongating your back, it will open up your hips, and on top of it, it will relax the body muscles especially the muscles of your hips. If you feel like there’s a lot of pressure on your back, then you can release it all in a few seconds by performing the pigeon pose. We assure you that this yoga position will bring you the best feeling of the world once you do it right.

These are some of the best yoga poses for all the surfers who want to relax their bodies and release all the tension that’s built due to paddling and all the surfing. Now, if you are someone who really wants to see and feel the change in his body then use these poses every single day after you are done surfing, and we assure you that you will see the results on your own. Your balance will improve, your body will strengthen up, and above everything, surfing will become a stress-free and fun activity to perform. Also, remember that yoga is not only good for the surfers out there in fact, it’s also necessary for every individual who wants to live and lead a healthy and fit life. You see, yoga is something that cannot only help you look good physically, in fact, it can also relax your mind and provide you more and more energy that you need to perform your daily routine tasks.

This Post Was Submitted By Mohammad Shoaib From

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5 Glamping Trends For 2019

Tree Houses

Glamping in tree houses is a dream that has come true, especially for many of us who didn’t get the opportunity to build or have our own tree house throughout our childhood. It seems that all great things make their comeback one way or another, and what better way to spend a weekend retreat full of relaxation and peace? This is definitely an upcoming trend the UK can get behind, and it’s already made it international.

France has created mystical and magical castle tree houses that could often be described as luxury hotels in the treetops. Italy is also a contender for some of the most beautiful and breath-taking tree house designs. In Tuscia, an organic farm offers two environmentally friendly tree houses that feature spectacular views on the Italian landscape.

There are many tree house designs available throughout the country and internationally. So, whether you’re looking for a romantic break away with a significant other, or you’re wanting to do something different with friends and family, the choice is yours.

Tents where the structure compromises of a latticework of pieces of wood or bamboo. Glamping is all about getting back to nature and exploring the great outdoors, Yurts are there for comfort, tranquillity and a good night’s sleep! There are stunning Yurts all over the UK and Europe hidden in forests. These structures and designs are not only on the rise for outdoor travel because of their uniqueness, but also because they make affordable rentals for all year long travel.

If you’re planning to stay in a Yurt during the harsh, frigid winters (we know how British weather can be), we definitely recommend being prepared for the weather, from packing warm clothes to choosing the right country boots. If you are more suited towards the summer, Yurts have the ability to keep cool during heatwave seasons, so there isn’t really anything they can’t do.

There is an authentic Mongolian-style yurt for everyone to call their own – get your search on now!


Tipis are quite similar to Yurts; however, they are cone-shaped tents. Traditionally, they are made of animal skins upon wooden poles with a canvas covering. If you consider yourself to be a bit of a traditionalist, you have to try staying in a tipi at least once! They’re quite popular with small families or those with pets, as they’re ideal for pets to roam freely and safely nearby.

Pets deserve some TLC too!

The Devon Hotspot

Are you ready for this?

Cornwall, once known as the most popular destination for glamping and well, all around seaside holidays and retreats, has been beaten by Devon for the first time in glamping history. Devon is home to some of the most innovative treehouse and yurt designs and because of this, even more, additions are in the progress for this year.

Take the Stargazer Treehouse, for example, a retreat totally inspired by the beauty of nature and it’s surroundings. With a captivating structure, it’s one of the most popular and anticipated treehouses throughout the nation. You can find some peace by lakes or spend the night stargazing – it’s truly something else!


In the last few years, there has been a great push for sustainability and eco-efficiency in order to save the planet and ultimately reduce our carbon footprint. This means changing some aspects of our lifestyle, the way we buy, where we buy from and so on. Glamping is exceptionally popular with millennials, and we expect it’s going to get even more popularity with eco-friendly tree houses, log cabins, tipis, and holiday homes.

An eco-friendly treehouse pushes the boundaries of architectural design. It incorporates sustainable concepts to work with, not against, nature. It collects water and regulates temperature. Pretty incredible, right? Architects have some work to do, and we’re sure this sustainable tree house, in particular, will give them the inspiration and drive to be the future of home building.

The post 5 Glamping Trends For 2019 appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


Wednesday, 27 February 2019

How To Choose Your First Or Next Hike

Whether you are just getting into hiking, or you have been an avid hiker your entire life, choosing your next hike can be a difficult process. With so many trails to choose from, it can help to simply consider some attributes to narrow down your options. This article aims to explain what beginners or experts should be considered when picking their next hike, as well as lay out some tips for finding your best next hike.

What To Consider When Choosing A Hike


Of course, location plays a major role in the decision to your next hike. If you are located in close proximity to many hikes, your options widen significantly. If you aren’t looking to travel far, set up a radius that you are willing to traverse with your trekking polesConsider far away hikes as options for camping trips, or long weekend getaways, and reserve your closest hikes for times when you have less time, or just aren’t up for the travel.


Do you want to be hiking 15+ miles in a day, or are you looking for a couple miles just to get outside for a bit? I know this is obvious, but just setting up a range of hike distances will drastically narrow down your hiking options. Don’t forget that a 5-mile hike with 3,500 feet of elevation gain is likely going to take a lot longer than a 10-mile walk in the woods.


If you have little experience with hikes that have large amounts of elevation gain, you may want to consider holding back on a larger mountain. If you are new to the mountains, be looking for beginner to intermediate level hikes.

The difficulty is adjusted by three main factors, distance, elevation gain, and steepness. Be sure to consider all of these when determining the difficulty of a hike. Beginners should choose shorter hikes that offer the option for continuing on to other viewpoints, mountains, or longer alternate routes back. If you feel great, continue on.

Avid hikers often want to make sure they are covering heavy mileage and elevation gain. If this is the case, don’t go for the tourist trap, take advantage of the some of the longer mileage and less traveled hikes.


In many areas of the planet, hiking in the winter is vastly different than hiking in other months. It can offer unique and incredible views, turning rugged trails into smooth powder, or easy trails into icy and dangerous messes.

It is important to understand that in the winter, the gear and preparation necessary to stay safe is very different, so much more caution should be taken.

Newbie winter hikers should start with smaller and shorter mountains to get used to hiking in the snow. Even experienced hikers should take caution with winter hiking.

Your Fitness Levels

Fitness plays a major role in the hikes you can complete, and the time necessary to complete your hike. Some individuals can finish long distance hikes in half the time as others. Knowing where you stand on a fitness level will help greatly.

Most trail guides give a “book time” which allows you to understand how long a hike will take for the average person. As you begin to hike more, compare your times to book times so that you can better estimate your personal hiking times on trails in the future.


Don’t forget about choosing a hike with the scenery you want! Do you want 360-degree summit views? Lake Views? Waterfalls? If you are looking for great views, maybe you don’t want to select a mountain with a summit in the trees.

I’ve Considered, Now How Do I Find A Hike That Fits My Needs?

As a native of New Hampshire that has hiked just about all of the mountains the state has to offer, finding new hikes, the next hike, or the best hike for a friend has become difficult. So much so, that I even created a tool to help:

This tool takes in attributes of hikes and spits out all of the options that have been written about on my website, but of course, I haven’t written about every hike in the world, so what then?

The Best Ways To Find Your Next Hike

After you have considered all of the above, it is time to actually search.

  1. Facebook Groups – Once you have narrowed your location down, search for local Facebook hiking groups. There is a lot of them, and they are for just about every area with hiking that you could imagine. Let them know how far you’d like to go, some sights you’d like to see, and your ability level, and many of these individuals would be happy to help you out. As a bonus, nearly all of the hiking guides in the area will be in these hiking groups and looking to help.
  2. Hiking Guides – Contact a local hiking guide service. Most will be happy to give you advice, and one of the best ways to find the right hike is to get a hiking guide. They are the local area experts and deal with beginners all the time. Plus, they will have equipment you may need to rent.
  3. Google Search – Give a classic google search for hikes in the area. Add a modifier to your search (easiest, best, waterfall hikes, etc.) You’ll find some larger websites as well as local blogs. Explore both in your research.


Max Desmarais is an avid outdoorsman that loves to share his experiences in the wilderness. He is the founder of Hiking & Fishing, a website dedicated to helping those get in the outdoors.

The post How To Choose Your First Or Next Hike appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


Tuesday, 26 February 2019

How To Go Camping For The First Time

We know there are many people who always wanted to have camping experience, but they could never have. The main reason behind that is may-be because they think camping means a lot of preparation and task. If you are one of these people, then this article is for you.

Yes, it is true that to make successful camping you need to do a lot of things. On the other side, it is actually not that hard like you are thinking. If you are going for a camp for the first time and you are nervous about how you can manage everything then this article will help you a lot. Here, we have talked about some of the important factors related to camping which will make sure that you don’t have to face any hurdle in your camping.

Location and Time

The first task that you need to do is, decide when and where you want to go camping. For the first time, don’t go too far from your location. Decide whether you want to go to the mountains, beach, lakes, deserts or somewhere else. Once you are e clear with your location you need to set the date.

As a beginner, go on weekends with other people. It will be safer for you. No matter where and when you are going make sure you have checked the weather forecast and have planned according to like that.

Get Familiar With Your Gear

As you are going out for a camp for the first time it is very common that you will find some things a little difficult. For example, setting up a tent. Therefore, try to get familiar with your tent before you go to the campsite. Practice at your backward or in a playground to learn how you can set your tent.

If you practice before then you don’t have to waste time at your camping to figure out how you need to set up. The best thing as a beginner you can do is, go for a pop-up tent which automatically sets up.

Not only with your tent but try your sleeping bag also. It is better to find out before that your sleeping bag is not that comfortable than in the camping site.

Purchase The Correct Size Tent

A camping canopy or tent is the most essential item of our camping. To determine the perfect size of your tent always count the numbers of people who are going to be present in the tent. It is always better if you buy one size larger than you need. So that you have more space.

Camping Checklist

As a beginner, you must have a camping checklist. It is a very common mistake by many campers that they don’t make any checklist. You may think you can remember you’re essential items, but in reality, there is always something that you may miss if you don’t make a checklist. A camping checklist also helps you to stay organized. Keep checking your checklist and revise the list before you start your camping.


A very basic thing, but many people forget to bring it in the campsite. There will be no lights in the campsite, except for the common places. And if you are going out for wild camping then you cannot forget this one. Try to bring more than one so that if one is not working you have a proper backup. You don’t need to bring any fancy or expensive lights, just a normal LED light will be good enough.

Plan Away Ahead of Time

Just after you have decided that you are going camping, start planning. Don’t just wait for the last minute to plan your camping. Now planning doesn’t only mean taking important things with you. Have a good knowledge of your location.

Where you are going, what is the rules of the campsite etc. Get a clear knowledge of the whole site. Make sure you are planning to arrive at the place early. Especially if you are going camping in the mountains or in deserts then arrive within noon, not after that. How you will reach the site also plan that before.


You need to bring simple and easy to make food meals. Try to bring food which is high in protein as you need a lot of energy in your camping time. Rather than jam, bring peanut butter with you as it will meet your hunger more.

To keep yourself hydrated, bring different types of juices and obviously normal water. Don’t forget to bring a lot of food storages bags or dry bags where you can keep your food before and can dump your food waste.

Camping Activities

Make a plan for different camping activities that you want to try out. If you are planning any water activities, then plan your clothes according to that. You can go climbing also. If you want to try some indoor gaming, then make sure you have the necessary items. It is very important that you plan how you are going to spend your time at camping.

First Aid Box

Last but not least, don’t forget to take your first aid box. Along with the box take any kind of medicine that you think you may need an emergency.

There is always a first time for everyone. No one was an experienced camper. There are many reasons for going to a camp and no reason for not going. Just try to follow these simple steps and we are sure that you will have a wonderful time.

Make sure you have kept the campsite neat and clean. Take enough bin bags with you so that you can keep the waste separate. There can be some unexpected situations in the camping, but don’t worry about that. You will learn from that and in your next camping, you can apply your learnings. So, don’t worry and be a happy camper.

The post How To Go Camping For The First Time appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


What Is The Best Tent For Both +30c And -30c?

Camping is always fun but you cannot enjoy its true spirit until you buy the right tent for camping. When I say, the right tent, its mean a tent which is suitable in any weather condition. If you are planning to set camp in summer then your tent should be strong enough to stand in heavy rain, face wind and have proper vitalization system. For winter camping, you must go with a hardcore tent which makes you feel even when the temperature is -30.

There are tents which exist to fight against any weather up to +30C in summer and -30C in winter. But how about buying a single tent which can go well in both type of temperature when it’s too hot and too cold? Yes, this is possible and such type of tents to exist. It is actually good news for the camper who loves to go hiking in all season. They do not need to waste money and buy separate tents according to the weather and season.

A tent which works fine in both +30C and – 30C is a four-season tent. It can be used in cold nights of winter including snowing weather and hot days of summer. The material which has been used to make a tent for both +30c and -30c can go well in any type of weather but comes with the limited feature. For example, the majority of four season tent cannot be ventilated and made for truly summer conditions. But it is always better to invest in a four season tent instead of buying a different type of tents for the different season.

What is a four-season camping tent?

A four season camping tent is a tent which can be used in any season including winter and summer. Generally speaking, these tents have been made for the winter and maintaining purpose. They are tougher outer walls and sturdier. Once you go inside and zipped up, no harmful element from outside can come inside and disturb your sleep.

Whether its +30C in summer or -30C in winter, a 4 season camping tent can be used to enjoy the camping experience. They are waterproof, like good rain jackets, and have really good stability and offer limited vitalization for healthy camping in winter and summer.

What is the best winter or four season tents?

On the basis of my personal experience, Crua Tri Luxury Winter Tent and Crua Loj 6 Person Thermo Insulated Waterproof Family Tent. I love these tents because of their shape, construction material and other features which makes these tents to use in cold winter and hot summer while they are very easy to set up.

Some of the key features and benefits of these two tents have been mentioned below. This will also help you to understand that these tents are the best tent for both +30c and -30c:

  • These tents have a completely unique design and different from a typical tent design
  • They come up with the true 4 season features including the option of sound insulation
  • These winter tents are R-value 4 and thermally insulated to keep your camping fun
  • They have different internal and external doors which can be also used for vitalization
  • For people with disabilities, these tents offer accessibility to them including wheelchair
  • The construction material of these both tents is waterproof yet breathable.

Above, I have shared both sizes of the best tent for both weather +30c and -30c. So, you can easily pick one according to your requirement. A four season tent is usually made for the solo or 2-3 people but I have also included a family tent above. Now, you can also take your family to the camping and fight against the hard weather in winter and summer and enjoy the new experience.

How to buy the best tent for both +30c and -30c?

If you are looking for more options other than above, then you can explore the online market and pick the right tent according to your need. While you are buying one, consider the following features in a four-season tent:

  • It must be sound insulated
  • The tent can be UV protected
  • 4 season tent must be waterproof
  • Construction material should be breathable
  • The ventilated feature should be included
  • Must be the aerodynamic and muffling tent
  • Easy to set up even in snow and rain
  • It can stand against the tough weather.

You can also consider the other features like the stability of the tent, online reviews, and past user experience etc.

To enjoy the camping in hot summer and cold winter, you should also consider buying the right gear other than just a 4 season tent. By having the right types of equipment, camping could be more fun.

The post What Is The Best Tent For Both +30c And -30c? appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


Can CBD Fight The Winter Blues?

A focused look at a plant compound’s ability to stave off negative emotion during seasonal times of low sunlight. Hockey is most exhilarating on the open ice of a lake. Snowshoeing in powdery snow can be a major source of exercise. Bonfires feel the best when they melt the snow before the flakes hit the ground. Winter is an exceptional time for people who live in areas that get a lot of snow. But in those places, they also get fewer hours of sunshine during the winter months. The shorter days often mean waking up while it’s still dark outside and having dinner after the sun sets. The season doesn’t just shorten the day, it feels like it decreases people’s energy.

For some, this energy depletion is severe enough to cause seasonal affective disorder (SAD). It’s characterized by major depression during the winter months. More colloquially, we might call it the “winter blues.” But for many people, it’s more than that, and it’s not easy to treat with traditional pharmaceuticals.

Thankfully, nature has given us a better option. Cannabis plants create a plethora of different compounds with medicinal effects. One of those compounds — cannabidiol, or CBD — may help fill in the gaps for SAD sufferers where traditional medicines have fallen short.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: What is it? Can it be treated?

SAD, though often associated with winter, can also impact people in the autumn. For sufferers of SAD, the knowledge that winter is coming gives them anxiety before the season even begins. As they anticipate the negative feelings that come with the shorter, colder days, they first begin to experience SAD before the first snowfall.

According to a survey published in 2017, over 80% of psychiatric institutions in German-speaking countries prescribe preventative treatment for people who suffer from SAD.

Prevention methods vary, but include:

  •      Antidepressants
  •      Psychotherapy
  •      Lifestyle changes
  •      Physical therapy

Research from 2018 spoke to the need for treating people on the individual level. Customizing their prescription to their preferences seems to improve outcomes. At the same time, the efficacy of specific treatments has yet to be established.

In the author’s conclusion to the 2018 study, they seemed to suggest that the best way to treat SAD is by raising awareness about its existence.

They don’t have much faith in the current pharmaceutical approaches.

So, what might work?

Cannabis uses sunlight to create compounds that help us when there’s little sunlight

Without sunlight and proper care to treat SAD, many people can find relief in cannabis. Research suggests that CBD may be able to help people manage the depression and anxiety that characterize SAD.

A 2011 study looked at how cannabinoids influenced anxiety in people with social anxiety when they had to perform public speaking. The study showed that CBD reduced their anxiety (similar to hiking reducing anxiety) and related symptoms considerably.  More recently, research was done in 2015 on CBD as a treatment for a range of anxiety disorders. The study’s authors stated plainly that “preclinical evidence conclusively demonstrates CBD’s efficacy in reducing anxiety behaviors relevant to multiple disorders.”

CBD’s effects on anxiety aren’t the only reason to make it a point of focus for this condition. SAD is more than anxiety; it also carries with it an underlying level of depression. And interestingly, CBD may also be able to combat the depression associated with SAD.

Research from 2018 showed that CBD has an antidepressant-like effect. The effect is impacted by serotonin levels, which might be a clue as to why sustained cannabis use may help treat SAD.

As consumption remains nominal, the quality of life improves, which aids in the production of more serotonin. CBD may help with SAD by inducing a positive-feedback mechanism that improves the situation for those suffering. While it’s showing promise, there’s a strong need for more research on how CBD impacts SAD. Research up until now has neglected to isolate this condition in studies done with cannabinoids.

Concerns for treating SAD with CBD

If you’re thinking of trying CBD as a treatment for SAD, there are few things you should keep in mind before you start. Most importantly, CBD may interact with some pharmaceuticals, so if you’re thinking about taking CBD, speak with your doctor what the medication you’re already on.

Next, your general practitioner might not recognize the symptoms of SAD. Make sure you have the diagnosis correct before you begin a CBD regimen. Lastly, reactions to cannabinoids are highly individualistic. Finding the correct CBD product, utilizing the best method of consumption, and setting a dosing schedule is all a matter of personal need and preference. It’s imperative to spend time discovering what works best for you.

The post Can CBD Fight The Winter Blues? appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


What Are The Important Things To Bring When Camping?

Planning your first camping trip? Let’s talk about your camping checklist. Sure, an excursion through the wilderness does not require as many clothes and shoes compared to other holiday destinations. But there are a couple of things you won’t want to forget.

Suppose you were vacationing on Maui Islands and you forget to pack an essential item. All you’d need to do is look for the closest shop and purchase this item. In the forest though, it’s a completely different story. If you’re out camping and notice that you forgot your flashlight, there’s nothing you can do about it. So before you hit the road, go through our checklist to ensure you’ve packed all important camping gear.


Mother Nature is very unpredictable, particularly in the countryside. Keep in mind that hypothermia is the leading cause of death for those who get lost in the wilderness. This is because a majority of campers forget just how drastically temperature drops in these areas once the sun sets.

In case it rains, snows or the cold weather strikes when you’re camping, extra clothing will come in handy. Thus, it’s important that you pack enough warm clothing. Essentially, you should pack clothing that layers; this way, it’s easier to add or remove any of the garments based on how the temperature fluctuates.

Another thing to consider when packing camping clothes is to pick ones that wick away sweat and dry up quickly. We recommend clothes made of synthetics and merino wool. Here is an overview of the main clothing that you should bring:

  • Cargo shorts and a windbreaker –these can be worn together or separately. They are ideal for cold weather and light rain. Shorts can also be worn when you go hiking.
  • A swimsuit – if you’ll be camping near a water body, then you shouldn’t forget to carry your favorite swimsuit. This will take very minimal space in your bag.
  • T-shirts –be sure to carry a couple of quick-drying t-shirts. These are great for camping in warm weather. And the good thing is that once it gets cold, it will be easy to layer clothes on them.
  • Hiking boots –if you’ve ever gone camping, then you know how slippery and steep some places can get. Hiking boots are the best-suited for such environments. They have tread, which allows your shoes to grip uneven terrain and thus prevent slippage.
  • Sports gear –some people go camping so as to unwind and get away from the busy urban lifestyle. But other camps specifically because they want to exercise. If you belong to the latter group, you’ll need to carry a few sporting clothes.
  • Sunglasses and sunscreen- if you’re camping during summer, then sunglasses and sunscreen are a must-have.
  • Long sleeves – Should it rain heavily, having a waterproof pullover or rain jacket will prevent you from getting drenched in rain.

Eating and Drinking Essentials

Depending on your camping destination, there’s a good chance that you’ll be making your own meals, or probably hunting for it. So if you are used to ordering take-outs, remember that there aren’t any sit-down restaurants in the Amazon rainforest. Thus, you should bring a few cooking equipments such as:

  • Camping stove that has fuel- ensure you choose one that is suitable for backpacking or car camping.
  • Cookware
  • Utensils- for both cooking and eating
  • A lightweight, reusable water bottle
  • A water filtration system- you might have to rely on water from ponds and lakes, in which case you’ll need to filter it first.
  • Small-sized cutting board
  • Food- bring some pre-packaged snacks such as chocolate bars. You can also carry freeze-dried camping meals.

Shelter and Bedding

Unless you’re going glamping, you will need a couple of sleeping gear. You can choose from these options:


Camping tents are available in a range of sizes and shapes. The traditional design is that of a dome-shaped tent, which has a generous amount of space. Also, this tent is made using minimal material, making it lightweight.

One mistake that many campers make is to take all their pets along. We have nothing against you going camping with Bella. However, it’s likely that your 1-person tent won’t be able to accommodate you and your Rottweiler.


If you’re the kind of person who likes being cradled as you sleep, a hammock might be a better option than a tent. Unlike sleeping in a tent, you won’t have to worry about lying on rocks, stones or an uneven surface.

Sleeping Pad

Despite the comfort offered by a hammock, most campers like using tents. If you’ve chosen this option, then you might want to consider a sleeping pad. This is usually placed on the ground before unrolling your sleeping bag, and it provides cushioning from the rough terrain of the camping grounds. Another benefit of investing in a sleeping pad is the fact that it prevents moisture from building up beneath your body. If moisture were to accumulate beneath your body, then you’d end up feeling cold all night long.

When it comes to sleeping pads, you have the option of choosing between an air mattress and a foam pad. Foam pads are cheaper. However, they are bulky and the cushioning they provide is not the best. Air mattresses provide better comfort, but you’ll need to buy an air compressor so as to inflate them. Alternatively, you can look for a hybrid, which combines the best aspects of the air mattress and foam pad.

Sleeping Bag

Sleeping bags are available in a range of sizes, shapes, thickness, and materials. But the most important aspects to consider when picking a sleeping bag are your individual comfort needs, size, and the weather conditions of your location.

Rain/Sun Shelter

There are those campers who like to carry a pop-up shelter or dining fly so as to protect their dining areas. If you plan to bring one of these, remember to check in with the camping site officials to confirm whether they allow campers to tie ropes to trees.

Personal Items

A couple of personal hygiene products will go a long way when camping. There’s no need to start improvising. Instead, carry a few basic items like:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Wash rage
  • Towel
  • Soap
  • Brush or comb
  • Razor
  • Toilet paper

Navigation Tools

If you are camping in a particular area for the first time, odds are that you’re likely to get lost. You can avoid straying by investing in the right navigation tools. Here are a few things you should consider:

  • A portable GPS
  • A compass and a map (this serves as a back-up in case the GPS doesn’t work)
  • Chargers (if your camping site has a charging station, then you should bring a couple of chargers to keep your devices running).
  • A guidebook and pen/pencil
  • Two-way radios- these are great for communicating, and are useful for people who camp in large groups.
  • Flashlights or headlamps- remember to carry spare batteries
  • A travel lantern


If your camping trip runs for a couple of days or weeks, then you’ll need sources of entertainment. This shouldn’t be a problem if you’re camping as a group as you can engage in team-building activities. But if you’re camping solo, the best source of entertainment is exploring every inch of your camping location. Whether you’re camping alone or as part of a crew, the following tools will be very useful:

  • Binoculars
  • A high definition camera
  • Travel-sized board games
  • Playing cards
  • Kayaking gear- don’t forget to bring your life jacket, a repair kit, and paddles
  • Fishing gear- this includes poles, reels, lures and line
  • Bikes

 Cleaning Tools

Although these are entirely optional, some individuals like camping on very neat grounds. If you belong to this category, then bring a few cleaning items wouldn’t hurt. These include a broom, dustpan, dishpan, rake, laundry detergent, dish rags, and biodegradable soaps.

Wrap Up

Experienced outdoorsmen use a minimalist approach when it comes to packing for camping trips. But those less familiar with these excursions may find it challenging to plan for. They may start packing the fundamental items like a tent and sleeping bag. But by the time they are done, their cars will be loaded with way more gear than they’ll use. Now even though the idea of camping is to create a home away from home, this doesn’t mean that you bring all your belongings. So before you toss your favorite snacks and books into that backpack, ensure you’ve packed all the must-have items first.

The post What Are The Important Things To Bring When Camping? appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


7 Tips For Camping In The Rain

When you think of your camping day, do you expect sunny weather, blue skies and a day without any worries? Well, nature is unpredictable and you can’t have the optimal weather conditions whenever you go outdoors.

Today I am going to show you how to have a good camping trip in unpleasant weather conditions. This article is for those who will be camping and will be surprised by the rain and for those who know that it will be raining and still going to camp. Safety is crucial when being outdoors so let’s take a look at how to stay warm and dry, and what can you do in the rain during camping.

Camping Equipment

I will cover some of the camping equipment that you need to bring with you when it is raining. Consider these items so you won’t regret your adventure.

A Camping Tent

No matter if you will camp alone or not you need a reliable shelter to spend the night and to be secure. Which tent is appropriate to bring with you when it will be raining? You need a reliable and durable tent to withstand the rain and possible wind.

This kind of tent can be made of synthetic material or it can be made of canvas that has been coated with PVC. Synthetic fabric doesn’t absorb the water so most tent manufacturers produce these kinds of tents. Still, cotton tents are also appropriate to have when it rains since they are very durable.

It is always good to choose a tent that has poles over the pop-up tents. Pop up tents are light and are ideal for hikers and backpackers who will just spend the night in the shelter.  However, tents with poles will give you more security. You can choose tents with aluminum or fiberglass poles. I recommend using aluminum poles since they are stronger than fiberglass and should withstand the wind with no problem.

There is also one thing that you should consider if you want to have a pleasant rainy day in the woods. A hydrostatic head (HH) of the tent is a measure that will tell you a tent’s water resistant level. The higher is this value, the more water pressure a tent will withstand.

Use A Tarp

Using a tarp above your tent is additional help to stop rain from coming inside the tent and to keep the space near the shelter dry. Why is this important? If you place your tent without a tarp above it, the raindrops can gather on the tent’s roof and weight down the tent.

The second thing a tarp does is to keep your space around the shelter as dry as possible. Place it above the tent and in front of it. This way you will have a dry place in front of the tent for storing your camping equipment and hanging out (alone or with other campers).  

As you won’t be inside the tent all the time it is great to place a tarp so you can set a campfire, cook a meal and hang out with friends. This easy and cheap solution will make your camping more comfortable and happy.

Tent Stakes

Tent stakes are also necessary for harsh weather conditions. Sometimes a wind accompanies the heavy rain so it is recommendable for you to place stakes to secure the shelter to the ground. I am sure that you don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night because your tent was blown away due to the wind so use the stakes.

Placing Your Tent

When you come to the campground, you should look for the ideal place to pitch up your tent. This is important in case of the heavy rain so you won’t face any water inside the tent. Set up a tent on the higher ground to avoid water gatherings and place it side away from the wind (if there is any).

Do At Home

You should do some homework before going to the wild; take a look at the next tasks.

Additional Waterproofing

Getting a waterproof tent is a wise thing to get if you expect a rainy day outdoors. It is also a good idea to have a waterproof rain jacket. Nevertheless, you can still waterproof it additionally with a waterproof spray. First, you should wash the tent so you will put the spray on the clean tent surface. Spray the shelter evenly. Wait for a few minutes and wipe the tent with a soft piece of cloth.

Pitch A Tent At Home

Pitching a tent at home isn’t something you should not do since you may find some damages of the tent or its parts. This task is also recommendable; as you will see if any parts are missing, need repair or a replacement.


When you think of rain, you also think of how to stay warm. Clothes are important as they should keep you warm and prevent hypothermia. However, not every material is appropriate for outdoors. Maybe you have heard that cotton isn’t the best option in the case of rain. It is true since cotton gets wet soon and dries slowly.  Think of synthetic clothes like a rain jacket, hat, shirt, and trousers. It is always best to bring double clothes so you can change if you need it. Also, don’t forget to bring a good pair of shoes and warm socks.

Camping In Rain Can Be Fun

You should adapt to any kind of weather if you are an avid camper. Camping in rain gives you opportunities that you wouldn’t think of on a sunny day. You can set a tarp in front of the tent and cook a warm meal for yourself and friends, play some games and sing beside a campfire. I am sure this way rain won’t spoil your mood.

Consider my tips above and stick to them. Don’t forget on a trip organization to have a comfortable adventure as you can have. You can also bring a tent heater to stay warm inside the tent and some lanterns to explore the wildness. Have a great outdoor adventure.

The post 7 Tips For Camping In The Rain appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


4 Awesome Rock Climbing Tips For Beginners

If you are reading this article then you probably are one adventurous person who wants to try rock climbing. To a lot of people rock climbing might appear very easy at first but honestly, it requires a lot of precautionary measures, and you need to make sure that you know all the safety tips possible so that you can enjoy this sport to the fullest.

Not only safety tips are what you need, in fact, you also need to figure out all of the important rock climbing gear and most importantly entry level climbing shoes so that you can have a proper grip and you won’t slip and fall off the mountain. Now, if it’s your first time then again, you need to be more careful and you need some beginner tips too that can help you get the best out of this adventure of yours.

1. Use Your Feet

Yes, you will be using all of your body while rock climbing but the one part that needs all of your attention is your feet. Yes, you read it right, you need to focus all and all on your feet and make sure to grab the nearest handhold so that your chances of falling down are very low. Again, here know that the shoes you are wearing matter a lot. You need to make sure that you are buying the best possible and the highest in quality entry level climbing shoes. Your grip on the rock you place your feet on needs to be very very strong and try taking small steps while climbing.

2. Falling Off Isn’t As Bad As It Seems

It is an undeniable fact that at first, you are going to freak out if you take a fall but prepare yourself beforehand and know that falling off won’t be as scary as it seems especially if you have the proper gear to keep you safe. Now, to know whether your rope and harness works or not, you obviously first need to test a fall to check the grip and strength. We’d suggest you to practice falling from very small heights so that if you actually fall off a mountain that’s on too much height, you can control yourself and your adrenaline rush.

3. Practice With A Pro

If you think, rock climbing is all about buying the right gear and the right beginner climbing shoes then you are wrong because you cannot just start with this sport without the assistance or at least coaching of a pro. It would be a wiser thing to do to opt for a coach before rock climbing so that you know how to deal with difficult situations. Moreover, practicing with a pro can help you have some confidence in your own rock climbing skills and this will obviously help you have the best out of this experience.

4. Invest In The Gear

If you are short on budget for the rock climbing gear, such as carabiners, then we’d suggest you wait till you have the proper money because settling for anything that is cheap in price will be a huge risk. You cannot buy low-quality gear because that way you will be risking your life. So, make sure to make a proper investment in your gear and buy quality stuff that will help you in risky situations.


These are some of the tips that you need to follow when it comes to rock climbing. So, use these tips and again, make sure to buy quality climbing shoes to enjoy your adventure to the fullest.

The post 4 Awesome Rock Climbing Tips For Beginners appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


Monday, 25 February 2019

How To Go Camping For The First Time

We know there are many people who always wanted to have camping experience, but they could never have. The main reason behind that is may-be because they think camping means a lot of preparation and task. If you are one of these people, then this article is for you.

Yes, it is true that to make successful camping you need to do a lot of things. On the other side, it is actually not that hard like you are thinking. If you are going for a camp for the first time and you are nervous about how you can manage everything then this article will help you a lot. Here, we have talked about some of the important factors related to camping which will make sure that you don’t have to face any hurdle in your camping.

Location and Time

The first task that you need to do is, decide when and where you want to go camping. For the first time, don’t go too far from your location. Decide whether you want to go to the mountains, beach, lakes, deserts or somewhere else. Once you are e clear with your location you need to set the date.

As a beginner, go on weekends with other people. It will be safer for you. No matter where and when you are going make sure you have checked the weather forecast and have planned according to like that.

Get familiar with your Gear

As you are going out for a camp for the first time it is very common that you will find some things a little difficult. For example, setting up a tent. Therefore, try to get familiar with your tent before you go to the campsite. Practice at your backward or in a playground to learn how you can set your tent.

If you practice before then you don’t have to waste time at your camping to figure out how you need to set up. The best thing as a beginner you can do is, go for a pop-up tent which automatically sets up.

Not only with your tent but try your sleeping bag also. It is better to find out before that your sleeping bag is not that comfortable than in the camping site.

Purchase the Correct Size of Tent

A camping canopy or tent is the most essential item of our camping. To determine the perfect size of your tent always count the numbers of people who are going to be present in the tent. It is always better if you buy one size larger than you need. So that you have more space.

Camping Checklist

As a beginner, you must have a camping checklist. It is a very common mistake by many campers that they don’t make any checklist. You may think you can remember you’re essential items, but in reality, there is always something that you may miss if you don’t make a checklist. A camping checklist also helps you to stay organized. Keep checking your checklist and revise the list before you start your camping.


A very basic thing, but many people forget to bring it in the campsite. There will be no lights in the campsite, except for the common places. And if you are going out for wild camping then you cannot forget this one. Try to bring more than one so that if one is not working you have a proper backup. You don’t need to bring any fancy or expensive lights, just a normal LED light will be good enough.

Plan Away Ahead of Time

Just after you have decided that you are going camping, start planning. Don’t just wait for the last minute to plan your camping. Now planning doesn’t only mean taking important things with you. Have a good knowledge of your location.

Where you are going, what is the rules of the campsite etc. Get a clear knowledge of the whole site. Make sure you are planning to arrive at the place early. Especially if you are going camping in the mountains or in deserts then arrive within noon, not after that. How you will reach the site also plan that before.


You need to bring simple and easy to make food meals. Try to bring food which is high in protein as you need a lot of energy in your camping time. Rather than jam, bring peanut butter with you as it will meet your hunger more.

To keep yourself hydrated, bring different types of juices and obviously normal water. Don’t forget to bring a lot of food storages bags or dry bags where you can keep your food before and can dump your food waste.

Camping Activities

Make a plan for different camping activities that you want to try out. If you are planning any water activities, then plan your clothes according to that. You can go climbing also. If you want to try some indoor gaming, then make sure you have the necessary items. It is very important that you plan how you are going to spend your time at camping.

First Aid Box

Last but not least, don’t forget to take your first aid box. Along with the box take any kind of medicine that you think you may need an emergency.

There is always a first time for everyone. No one was an experienced camper. There are many reasons for going to a camp and no reason for not going. Just try to follow these simple steps and we are sure that you will have a wonderful time.

Make sure you have kept the campsite neat and clean. Take enough bin bags with you so that you can keep the waste separate. There can be some unexpected situations in the camping, but don’t worry about that. You will learn from that and in your next camping, you can apply your learnings. So, don’t worry and be a happy camper.

The post How To Go Camping For The First Time appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.


How to Choose Your First Or Next Hike

Whether you are just getting into hiking, or you have been an avid hiker your entire life, choosing your next hike can be a difficult process. With so many trails to choose from, it can help to simply consider some attributes to narrow down your options. This article aims to explain what beginners or experts should be considered when picking their next hike, as well as lay out some tips for finding your best next hike.

What To Consider When Choosing A Hike


Of course, location plays a major role in the decision to your next hike. If you are located in close proximity to many hikes, your options widen significantly. If you aren’t looking to travel far, set up a radius that you are willing to traverse.

Consider far away hikes as options for camping trips, or long weekend getaways, and reserve your closest hikes for times when you have less time, or just aren’t up for the travel.


Do you want to be hiking 15+ miles in a day, or are you looking for a couple miles just to get outside for a bit? I know this is obvious, but just setting up a range of hike distances will drastically narrow down your hiking options.

Don’t forget that a 5-mile hike with 3,500 feet of elevation gain is likely going to take a lot longer than a 10-mile walk in the woods.


If you have little experience with hikes that have large amounts of elevation gain, you may want to consider holding back on a larger mountain. If you are new to the mountains, be looking for beginner to intermediate level hikes.

The difficulty is adjusted by three main factors, distance, elevation gain, and steepness. Be sure to consider all of these when determining the difficulty of a hike.

Beginners should choose shorter hikes that offer the option for continuing on to other viewpoints, mountains, or longer alternate routes back. If you feel great, continue on.

Avid hikers often want to make sure they are covering heavy mileage and elevation gain. If this is the case, don’t go for the tourist trap, take advantage of the some of the longer mileage and less traveled hikes.


In many areas of the planet, hiking in the winter is vastly different than hiking in other months. It can offer unique and incredible views, turning rugged trails into smooth powder, or easy trails into icy and dangerous messes.

It is important to understand that in the winter, the gear and preparation necessary to stay safe is very different, so much more caution should be taken.

Newbie winter hikers should start with smaller and shorter mountains to get used to hiking in the snow. Even experienced hikers should take caution with winter hiking.

Your Fitness Levels

Fitness plays a major role in the hikes you can complete, and the time necessary to complete your hike. Some individuals can finish long distance hikes in half the time as others. Knowing where you stand on a fitness level will help greatly.

Most trail guides give a “book time” which allows you to understand how long a hike will take for the average person. As you begin to hike more, compare your times to book times so that you can better estimate your personal hiking times on trails in the future.


Don’t forget about choosing a hike with the scenery you want! Do you want 360-degree summit views? Lake Views? Waterfalls? If you are looking for great views, maybe you don’t want to select a mountain with a summit in the trees.

I’ve Considered, Now How Do I Find a Hike That Fits My Needs?

As a native of New Hampshire that has hiked just about all of the mountains the state has to offer, finding new hikes, the next hike, or the best hike for a friend has become difficult. So much so, that I even created a tool to help:

This tool takes in attributes of hikes and spits out all of the options that have been written about on my website, but of course, I haven’t written about every hike in the world, so what then?

The Best Ways to Find Your Next Hike

After you have considered all of the above, it is time to actually search.

  1. Facebook Groups – Once you have narrowed your location down, search for local Facebook hiking groups. There is a lot of them, and they are for just about every area with hiking that you could imagine. Let them know how far you’d like to go, some sights you’d like to see, and your ability level, and many of these individuals would be happy to help you out. As a bonus, nearly all of the hiking guides in the area will be in these hiking groups and looking to help.
  2. Hiking Guides – Contact a local hiking guide service. Most will be happy to give you advice, and one of the best ways to find the right hike is to get a hiking guide. They are the local area experts and deal with beginners all the time. Plus, they will have equipment you may need to rent.
  3. Google Search – Give a classic google search for hikes in the area. Add a modifier to your search (easiest, best, waterfall hikes, etc.) You’ll find some larger websites as well as local blogs. Explore both in your research.


Max Desmarais is an avid outdoorsman that loves to share his experiences in the wilderness. He is the founder of Hiking & Fishing, a website dedicated to helping those get in the outdoors.

The post How to Choose Your First Or Next Hike appeared first on Montem Outdoor Gear.
